Monday, October 09, 2006

Oblivion Diary Closed Until Further Notice:

I regret to announce that I cannot forsee any real likelihood of Oblivion Diary continuing in the short term due to my own personal commitments. I feel this especially unfortunate as I had already planned (in some detail) the paths the story would take. Rather than 'end' this story in a single (likely brutal) entry, which would be both anti-climactic and erode the entire narrative, I will simply leave Oblivion Diary until such time as I can give it the effort that it requires. I am sorry for the rather scattered updating schedule (and long gaps) prior to now - however it is now evident that I cannot continue developing the plot, short of turning it into some kind of 'stop-start' travesty.

Given the chance, I will continue Oblivion Diary at a later date, as I believe the story and characters have potential, and I enjoyed writing it. However I do not believe I will have the time in the coming months to write the time consuming entries required - or if I did so, the quality would be compromised through a lack of time. The fact that I have yet to play Oblivion (the game) to any extent greater than that told here (yes, this really is the entirity) has also served as a hinderance - in the little time I have had available to play, the game has (for now) failed to maintain my attention. While this latter point may change once I have hardware capable of running it effectively (read, once the next generation of high end GPU's are released), there is little likelihood of me having an opportunity to apply myself to Oblivion Diary in the coming months.

I would like to thank those who have followed Oblivion Diary, and especially those that have provided feedback. Farewell.

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