Sunday, August 20, 2006

30 - Alexander - The Cheydinhal Mine:

I spent until the next morning resting at the temple of the Nine Divines. Brother Andrew led a small congregation, his charismatic speech filling the spherical hall from floor to roof, holding the audience in rapture. He spoke of the creation, the glory of the Nine Divines, and the evil in this world. I stood aside, though his words appealed to me – I felt they had a ring of truth.

One thing was clear – I could not continue on as I had. I spent much of the night discussing the events since my arrival with Andrew. He was sympathetic, but felt my perspective had been flawed. Those outside the law had no rights under the law, and that included bandits – the duty of a warrior is to protect the innocent. He also believed that the Arena was honourable – he felt it was the only place where two “good” individuals could fight. The Divines would see to the victory of those who deserved it, as they would in all things.

I departed with the dawn, my mind made up. What he had said made sense to me, and I vowed now to set aside the rights of the lawless without hesitation. Despite this, I felt I could not return to the Arena immediately, the cruel memories of my blunder still haunting me. Fortunately (in a way) my journey to undertake my initiation into the Fighters Guild would take me far from the Imperial Capital, and I arbitrarily chose Cheydinhal over Anvil as my destination.

A low rumble dispelled any hopes I had of a pleasant journey - a storm was brewing, and judging from the sounds it would not pass swiftly. Sure enough, I had barely reached the Red Ring Road before experiencing the all too familiar sensation of rain drops impacting upon iron plate. It was going to be a long trip.

Regarding the journey, there is little to say. The storm continued into the night, and so did I, eventually reaching the town of Cheydinhal after midnight (by now thoroughly exhausted). The road had not been uneventful, for while I had not actively looked for trouble (walking through abandoned Imperial Forts without pausing to investigate), trouble had found me nevertheless – primarily in the form of Wolves. However, again my journey was interrupted by bandits – I would rather not speak of the incidents. Suffice to say that none proved a challenge in combat, and that I managed to set aside my concern for their life. They had no rights, existing only to prey upon the innocent – of whom I am a sworn protector.

Fortunately the gate to Cheydinal was open despite the lateness of the hour, and after a cursory interrogation by the miserable guards (the storm yet continued unabated) I entered without problem. The long road had left my legs leaden; I simply entered the first Inn I could see – the Newlands Lodge – where I purchased a simple room, collapsing swiftly into a deep sleep.

While woken early by the sounds emanating from below (the land lady, Dervera, had warned me to expect disturbances – this was not a peaceful establishment) I did not in fact rise until after mid-day, such was my fatigue. Finally need stirred me; I had not eaten that day and was short on money. I needed the income that the Fighters Guild would provide, and with that in mind I departed the Inn in search of the Guild hall.

The Fighters Guild stood besides the main road, red banners fluttering proudly in the cool breeze, the air freshened by the passage of the storm. Unfortunately I entered now as the lowest of the low in terms of rank, but everyone had to start somewhere. Expecting a relatively menial task, I was unsurprised to be instructed to convey a weapon shipment by the Orc Guildmaster, Burz gro-Khash.

The recipients of the order were in a mine just north of the town, and I arrived without difficulty – handing out the steel bow, sword and hammer to the three assembled guild members. They were here to clean out a Goblin infestation, and I joined them in this. Although not strictly the task assigned, I felt it would be a valued contribution.

‘Infestation’ had been a fair assessment – there seemed to be an entire tribe in these caves, but none matched their viciousness in skill, and it was a simple - if tedious - task to clear them from the mine. Upon reaching the base of the mine my companions thanked me with a gift – ingots of silver and gold from the mine. In truth I feel slightly ashamed to have accepted it, for I suspect it was not theirs to give – but doubtless the open metal vein will be taken into account when the Guild is paid by the miners.

Returning to Cheydinhal, I stopped en route to hammer my iron equipment back into shape, silently thanking the generosity of my adopted parents. Already I missed them a little, and vowed that once I had attained a respectable position here I would return and visit them.

Burz seemed satisfied with my performance (I might even go so far as to say ‘pleased’, but it is hard to tell in an Orc), rewarding me with one hundred Septims – before promoting me to the rank of Apprentice! Unfortunately not all the news was so welcome – there was no work here for one of my rank, and I must now journey to Anvil for my next task, which I would receive off ‘Azzan’.

Departing the guild, I donated a coin to Bruccius the Orphan, before leaving by the main gates. The journey to Anvil from Cheydinhal would be long, but the Imperial City lay between.


Blogger Sam said...

An entry long only in brevity. I have to be brief with certain quest and mundane elements if I am to get to the more interesting plot dynamics.

Regarding the question about screenshots, I had decided that I would no longer include screenshots as a matter of course. Unfortunately using screenshots 'limits creative freedom' (for want of a better phrase) - and as you may have noted, I am edging this more towards fan fiction than a straight 'game diary'.

I did consider using the console and construction set to allow me to create screenshots showing custom situations, but ultimately it would have been too difficult and too limiting.

Obviously I've already decided how things will unfold, but I'm interested - what do you readers anticipate Alex and Vic's interactions to be like?

Sunday, August 20, 2006 11:42:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice going there Victoria, I quite like this diary.

I anticipate Alex's and Vic's interactions to be similar to Moiraine and Lan's in "New Spring" from "The Wheel of Time", and expect their relationship to develop similar to that of an Aes Sedai with her Warder.

Monday, August 21, 2006 12:24:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expect horror on behalf of Alexander, horror that a person could be so dispassionate and uncaring to her fellow man and mer.

And Vic? Loathing. Pure loathing, that a person could have their potential be bound by such a thing as 'morals'. But then again, Vic wouldn't like someone to be in her way of a meteoric rise in power, would she?

Monday, August 21, 2006 7:48:00 am  
Blogger Star the Wanderer said...

I agree with person on Alexander. He'll be appauled by her ways. As for Vic, I don't see her caring about him as long as he stays out of her way. Both of them have character flaws, and I could see them rubbing off on one another with time.

Monday, August 21, 2006 4:47:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh....what Person said.


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:16:00 pm  
Blogger Mindstroller said...

id say that vic will really not care about ALEX (i got it right! yay! *eats special cookie*)

it seems to me that she could blast him to timbuktu (an especially impressive feat, since shed have to blow him across dimensional barriers and whatnot) in a few seconds

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:09:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Victoria I'm looking for that reflect shield in Grayrock Cave and can't find it! The only complete skeleton I've found was lying on a bedroll surrounded by Imps. Where abouts in there did you find it?

Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:26:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's probably random loot Angelrage.

So you are probably not gonna be able to find it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:22:00 am  

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