An update:
I don't know if anyone still checks up on this site (there hasn't really been anything to check up on...), but I thought that seems as I'm writing again, I should provide an update. Not writing here unfortunately, if that is what you were hoping. You can find my new project here
It's my first ever web page and I'm writing it using notepad, so expect 'functional' rather than beautiful. Also, don't be surprised if even chapter 1 is still clearly under construction when you visit. Give it a look and see what you think - I'd appreciate any feedback either as a comment to this post, or via e-mail at the above site.
Sorry if this wasn't the news you'd been hoping for, and thanks for checking back.
p.s. - That isn't to say Oblivion Diary will never return, its situation remains the same as it has for the past 10 or so months - although the fact I'm writing again might be an encouraging sign.
I don't know if anyone still checks up on this site (there hasn't really been anything to check up on...), but I thought that seems as I'm writing again, I should provide an update. Not writing here unfortunately, if that is what you were hoping. You can find my new project here
It's my first ever web page and I'm writing it using notepad, so expect 'functional' rather than beautiful. Also, don't be surprised if even chapter 1 is still clearly under construction when you visit. Give it a look and see what you think - I'd appreciate any feedback either as a comment to this post, or via e-mail at the above site.
Sorry if this wasn't the news you'd been hoping for, and thanks for checking back.
p.s. - That isn't to say Oblivion Diary will never return, its situation remains the same as it has for the past 10 or so months - although the fact I'm writing again might be an encouraging sign.
Ok, I'll check up on that page there.
Well, if you're not polite enough to provide feedback (or even look beyond the beginning entry), then I at least will be.
Your browser is out of date and needs to be updated - kind of ironic considering you're normally the one demanding updates ;-)
[You read Firefox v1.5.0.12 - but v2.0.0.5 is the newest version]
Gawd, sorry if I took one day to provide feedback.
But it was pretty interesting, I took the Outer Wall and ignored that flask (It seemed pretty retarted to me personally to risk getting it) and made my way to the Clark and the top of the stairs to the foundation. Then the URL wasn't found on the next link, so.....yeah.
By the way, how do you know whether or not my browser is out of date, or even whether I use Firefox or not?!
The site logs show basic information on visitors [namely their referral link, browser, OS, IP, and the sections of the site they visit - and when].
Sorry if I sounded nasty :-P - I guess I just felt slightly hurt when you said you'd visit the site, and then the logs showed you spent 10 seconds on the main page, clicked the 'begin' link, and then didn't do anything else.
[Incidentally, I was wrong in my first reply - the most recent version of Firefox is v2.0.0.6]
If it wasn't for the fact you commented saying you'd visit then I wouldn't have known it was you.
I had quite a lot of fun writing the stuff for if you go for the flask, so it's worth a try even if you think it's a bad idea.
Hmmm....maybe I'll go try that....
I got the flask, then proceeded cautiosly to the knife, and threw it at the guard.....silly me.
Now to make my way quickly to the flask!
Ooooooo.....that wasn't a good idea.
Oh, and does the fact that my browser is out of date effect the way your website appars to me?
Heh, I'm glad you liked it - I suggest you do your best impression of a gull next time ;-)
I don't think the difference in your browser would make a significant difference in how the site looks (it's quite a simple site after all - and I made sure I followed internet standards) but there's only one way to find out - and an up to date browser will protect you better against virus's/adware on non-secure sites.
As for Alseki being 12, yeah - it's quite young isn't it? When you get to the end of chapter 1 (or rather when *I* get to the end of chapter 1...I expect it to be quite long) you'll end up leaving the island, and going off for training. I expect a couple/few years will pass in the intervening time. It's left me with a slight dilemma for chapter 1, in that I want Alseki to appear competent - but not really 'powerful' as such, as that has to wait.
You can see a basic map of the story, as it stands right now [i.e. almost no distance in] here -
Finally, I know it's early days, but if you know of anyone you think will like Ninja Story then don't forget to link them to it. :-)
i've found your oblivion story very interesting. ill check out your new site.
wow, i liked that. deffintly got my attention. cant wait for yer next update. try to sound like a gull. heh
Very good new project :). I'm ready to descend into the foundations :D.
silly drunk guards. I just wish they were more drunk so they would think i was a gull
ah well. Keep it up! i really like the concept and it looks very promising.
So you still haven't created the foundations, eh?
People who have inspirations that last 20 minutes are hilarious.
No Oblivion, now no ninjas?!
Tisk tisk.
Ninja foundations? Please?
Dammit make the foundations for your Ninja Thingy!!!!
C'mon. Oblivion or ninjas.
Pick one.
Wow, it's been like a year since I last checked this page. Cool.
I really do check up on your blog. I write an Oblivion journal myself! :D I think your blog is creative!
- Clarissa,
The wood elf.
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