25 - Victoria - A Speaker in the Dark:I had already decided upon my destination. If the rumours had spoken true then I would be 'visited' by an agent of the Dark Brotherhood in the night, and I had therefore chosen a suitable location with some care. The obvious choice – my tower – had the advantage of being isolated, but then again I didn't want an invader disturbing it's privacy. In addition there was also the strong possibility the agent would not be able to enter, possibly eliminating my chance of joining – if the agent lost patience that is. The other immediate option was to rest in one of the many Mages Guild buildings, but I had already decided I wanted to keep my Brotherhood activities as cloaked as possible. There was also the chance that the Brotherhood agent would travel to me under spells of concealment, which might prove ineffective in the presence of so many mages. I did not wish even the slightest possibility of disaster. I therefore chose the Wawnet Inn – it was centrally located, ideal for if I had swift business to attend to following the visit. It was also sited perfectly; both near to a city, but itself slightly isolated. We had little risk of being disturbed. The ride to the Inn was swift; nothing served to falter Shadows pace – including a hammer wielding Minatour. It was an unexpected encounter, and might have been interesting to engage in, had I not felt that present matters must run their course without interruption. So it was that we arrived at the Wawnet Inn as the new day was dawning. Having previously rested for the prior nights activities, I was yet to tire, and spent the majority of the day training. Finally as the evening again approached I ordered a room, deliberately clearing my mind of any potential risks as I forced myself into a shallow sleep – from what I could judge, I was more at risk from an assassin sent by Raminus than I was of being attacked by the Dark Brotherhood agent, that is, providing I played my cards right.
Barely an hour had passes before I felt a presence approach the building, though nothing could be heard. I remained still, keeping my breathing at the slow, deep breathing characteristic of one asleep. The presence now seemed to melt away – it was likely the agent was using sorcery to veil themself, in addition to employing stealth...but the game was up, forewarned, I simply cast a detect life spell sub-vocally, observing the shimmering spirit of my visitor silently approach the door.
He was good. I could hear nothing of his movements, even as the door opened. He silently approached the bed.
“You sleep rather soundly for a murdere...” he paused, having apparently just noticed that my eyes had been slightly open all along – it was clear he had supernaturally good vision, or a simple spell of night eye. I made no move.
“Oh? Perhaps not then – such fortitude speaks well of your skills...and it is these very skills, and your...how to say...willingness to apply them on a flexible basis...that brings me here”
I made no sound, but he was not thrown off balance, apparently taking that as an invitation to continue. He spoke briefly of the beliefs and structure of the Dark Brotherhood, of their actions, and of their powers; again I did not speak - there was little value in revealing how much I already knew of these things. He finally he came to the point;
“On the Green Road to the north of Bravil...” I already knew what was coming. Interesting... had the location been picked deliberately to force me to return to a known and actively investigated crime scene, or was it a coincidence? I had no way of knowing immediately, but subjectively judged there to be little chance of the latter...I returned my attention to him
“...Inn of Ill Omen. There you will find a man named Rufio. Kill him”
Well the Brotherhood weren't ones to bandy words after all. It seemed the target would be easy, an old man who 'slept his life away'. Pulling forth a golden blade, the agent placed it upon the bed, before casting a spell of invisibility and heading for the door. I made no move to follow, and had indeed said nothing throughout the entire conversation. Again then my path leads me to the Inn of Ill Omen...I wonder if I will find them attempting to exorcise a 'murderer' ghost when I return? It's their last chance to do so...I doubt any will dare tread near the Inn again once I am done with Rufio...
A rather short entry, I have more on file, but have decided to pace myself a bit rather than use it today. My job has transpired to last from the morning through to after 7pm, leading me to have little time for writing these entries...so tired...
Yeesh. That's pretty harsh. But I appreciate the effort. You're an excellent writer Vic.
Good stuff as always, thank you! Love the RP elements you add to your adventures. I need to fire up the game and get through the Dark Brotherhood quests myself so I can continue to read your posts!
About your job, I agree with Person, but my way of looking at it is slightly different: Ouch.
As I was reading the last sentence, I thought to myself, "I think I'd like it better if the entries were longer like they usually are." But then I remembered this way you'll have more entries done faster, and besides, you've got your career. No income=no computer=no oblivion diary entries=angry readers=angry readers rioting. Not a good thing.
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