The imperial fort cleared, I felt a need both for rest, and to focus my thought upon both what I had learned, and what my future plans were to be. I decided to return to the Warnet Inn, which I had passed on the outward journey. As I walked in the shadows I saw a fire burning above and behind a wall ahead of me. It appeared to move – and I approached stealthily, hugging the wall. Once close I cast a detect life spell to determine what it could be - for I had been unable to resolve this from the brief and distant glimpse. However it turned out both my caution and alarm had been for nothing, for the spell revealed only a torch bearing mounted guard, who greeted me as I passed. I moved onward swiftly, occasionally practised my summon spells, until at last I neared the Inn.

Entering the Inn, I could not initially find anyone besides a guard, and I wished only to get to my rest. Finally I found the landlady, Nerussa, asleep behind the counter. She didn't seem particularly upset to have been woken, and indeed after accepting my money for a room she began discussing her hobby; the collection of wine. Apparently she had an extensive collection, but one rare type eluded her; 'Shadowbanish' wine - which had been created by an alchemist for use by Imperial guards long ago. She asked me to bring her a number of bottles, which could perhaps be found in ruined forts, and I did not deny her - feeling that not only would the money be useful, but it was likely that I would be exploring a number of Imperial ruins as a matter of course irrespective of her request. Finally I ascended to my room, which had a clean but humble layout; and there I rested with my thoughts until dawn.
As the sun rose I was once again keen to be up and doing, and I had indeed decided upon a new course of action. Jauffre could wait for now, for I wished to explore further and gain experience, tools and of course, spells. I also had some suspicion that having met Jauffre, more would be asked of me; for the Amulet of Kings hardly seemed like an item to be given with no strings attached. So it was that I chose to head in the opposite direction in search of Skingrad, although I would take the course at my leisure.
The dawn sun brightened the sky as I began my journey, the road clear and the weather pleasant. I gathered ingredients as I went, until finally I came across some semi-submerged ruins in the distance, and decided to investigate further.
The ruins seemed deserted, yet as I approached the waters edge within them in search of reagents I was startled by the sight of an archer in the water. Apparently the bandit had, for whatever reason, either fallen from the outer regions of the ruins, or had been for a swim. It didn't matter to me, what did was both the amusing nature of the situation, and the fact she had her bow pointed at me. Her accuracy was poor, and I felt it would perhaps be more entertaining to simply stand here in the shallows and allow my undead minion to wade forth into the depths.
The archer now had her attention divided between us both, for what little effect it had, for I doubted she could really be considered a threat even against a single zombie. My minion plodded forth with a gratifying enthusiasm, leaving sparkling ripples in his wake; until finally, having received a number of arrows, he grappled with the woman. She seemed equally inept at melee combat as at her attempts regarding archery, and so the one sided combat lasted barely ten seconds before her brutal end came.
In good spirits I picked some Water Hyacinth and Sacred Lotus from the waters edge, before finally giving in to temptation, and approached the floating corpse of my would be assailant.

Claiming a number of iron arrows and lock picks as my own, I left the cadaver bobbing in the lake, turning back towards the shore. The remaining encounters were equally one sided. Seeing a Redgaurd bandit I again summoned my minion, however he becamedistracted by a Mudcrab; but he was not alone in this - for the Redgaurd also seemed preoccupied with an equally benign crustation, allowing me to boldly approach, and dispose of him with a single touch. Claiming his fur cuirass and iron war hammer I returned to the path and continued onwards, occasionally pausing to dispose of any wolves I encountered, and to claim their pelts for my own usage.
It came to my mind that I was perhaps off course, and after looking at my map I was sure of it; I had taken the wrong path. Although slightly irritating I didn't particularly mind, for as far as my current objectives were concerned the travelling was an end to itself. However as I was about to turn back I caught a glimpse of pale marble in the distance among the woods. Approaching I could see it was an elven ruin, guarded by what appeared to be a number of Scamps and a mage.
The mage transpired to be a conjurer, although such a name was not apt considering his laughable behaviour. Having summoned his minion where it had no chance of approaching me he charged with his dagger - only to be disposed of with a single burst of electricity from my outstretched hand. The scamps fared little better, and with the exterior clear I decided to investigate inside...
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