I write now, leaning against the exit of the Sewers, for I am free! The night sky provides a cloak for my presence, yet I suspect that my breakout will not attract official antagonism - however I shall start from the beginning.
The dawn found me pacing my new cell in the poor illumination; for the cell was lit only by a spluttering torch, and a narrow beam of light cast from the slit window high above. The cell was cold, for I had nothing to wear besides my basic prison garb and the chains upon my wrists, and thus I paced to keep warm. Yet any activity would have sufficed, for stagnation was perhaps my greatest threat. As my path took me to the bars a male Dunmer across the corridor hailed me with mocking words, but I payed him little heed; it would not do to react to such petty insults. He said I would die here, but I vowed would not be, and one day I would kill him on my own terms... any attempt made now would merely draw unwanted attention to my abilities.
My thoughts were distracted however with the sounds of guards approaching my cell, and as they approached I beheld the emperor Uriel Septim, whom I recognised with ease from my past tutorage. Had he not been the ultimate target of assassination for me following the completion of my training? My mind raced, for I feared that perhaps the words of the vile dunmer had not been idle; could they have learned more of my past, and come to execute me?
My fears were misplaced however, for as they approached the bars it became apparent that they came not for me, but for an exit hidden in my cell. Having arrived in the darkness the night before I had yet to attempt a search for any hidden exits, and now I cursed myself for not doing so immediately. Surely now they had voiced this secret in my presence I would again be relocated, if they indeed even let me live. They demanded I stand against the far wall and entered, however upon seeing me the emperor appeared startled and approached, claiming to recognise me. Apparently I had appeared in his dreams, or perhaps visions, yet he appeared not to know the crimes that had led me to be imprisoned in this, perhaps the most secure wing of the entire prison. He said assassins had killed his sons and were now seeking him, and so it was that he and his guards were attempting to flee via the secret passage, through my cell. Pressure placed upon a brick on the wall revealed the passage, yawning forth where my bed had previously been located.

As the door was sealed between us a passage opened to my right, and a giant rat leapt forth - which proved to be the first victim of my talents with elemental fire. Reconsidering my situation I decided I would attempt to escape this prison immediately, rather than deliberately track down the emperor again; if chance will have us again meet, why, chance may reunite us without my stir.
The passage revealed a network of natural caverns in which I immediately found a skeleton, from which I acquired an array of useful goods including lock picks, torches and a bow - for a bow and blade are both useful weapons to compliment my other powers. From here I continued onwards, killing rats from a distance with my bow, or burning them with magical fire if they approached - and as I went I plundered any valuable items I encountered, in addition to any ingredients.
Perhaps my first 'test' was an undead zombie, who attempted to run me down after noting the death of a rat - however although a greater threat than any previously he didn't get close enough to hurt me; for after firing two arrows into him I burned him with fire, leaving nothing besides his charred corpse - from which I retrieved some flesh for later use...

The cavern housed a number of goblins and a pit in which rats appeared to be stored, presumably for later consumption. The goblins fell to my arrows; until that is that I struck a goblin witch, who advanced upon me before attempting to aid his plight with both offensive and defensive magic. Despire being the first magical duel I had undertaken in many years it did not prove a major challenge; and having dodged a bolt of electricity I slew my foe with a barrage of elemental fire - sending his body flying into the rat infested pit below.

Soon following this I again met the emperor as he had predicted, and while one of his guards; Gleyroy, wished to kill me - the emperor bid him not to. Speaking to him I learned that he feared the time of his death was as hand, but he considered himself blessed by the knowledge. He asked whether I had been born under a particular star, and, hoping that he might provide some indication as to my future, I did not lie - revealing that I had been born under the Mage. He was now the only living man with this knowledge, for my old master was now doubtless dead - ironically this very information having originally drawn him to me.
Moving onwards the guards found the door they had planned to use to be barred, and leaving me in a side room with the emperor the two guards strode forth to deal with the ambush. Fearing his time was short the emperor now revealed to me that one of his heirs remained alive, a secret that few appeared to know, judging from Baurus' later reaction. Uriel gave me the Amulet of Kings and bade me seek out his heir by contacting 'Jauffre', and to "close shut the jaws of Oblivion...". It was at this point that a hidden passage opened and an assassin strode forth, killing the emperor with a single blow as I stood there. Baurus rushed in and with me slew the assassin, however it was clear that he had failed in his duty, for the emperor lay dead.

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