Despite my prior intention I did not wait for the dawn before moving on – for I had not remained incarcerated for so many years simply to lie at the gate of my prison. So it was that the stars above lit my path to the Imperial City, my passage interrupted only by an encounter with a mud crab. It proved no more than a source of amusement, as I tested my summoning abilities by calling forth a skeleton to fight it - a rather one sided confrontation that raised my spirits still higher. Harvesting from the body, I soon reached the main road leading into the Imperial City; my back now to the hateful prison.
The approach to the city was impressive, particularly after such a long period in an enclosed space, but I would not allow myself to be intimidated. Rather than diminishing me the sight merely warmed my ambition; fame would be mine, that or infamy - only time would tell.My initial intent was to sell the myriad of items that were not of use immediate use to me which my escape had collected, and I went to this in short order; selling the armour at the Fighting Chance, along with all my weapons besides the bow and short sword. Following this I bought a novice Calcinator, Alembic and Retort, for my humble Pestle & Mortar was insufficient for reasonable usage on its own. The acquisition of this equipment cost me the greater part of the gold my earlier sales had garnered me, however I made some return through creating and selling a number of damage and restore fatigue concoctions created from ingredients I had collected previously.
I had kept my ears open during my wandering, and besides rumours regarding the 'Gray Fox' and the like, I was also reminded of the presence of the Arena; a combat coliseum in which bets are placed upon fights to the death, while the fighters themselves are well rewarded. I felt confident in my abilities, and feeling that this was potentially an excellent source of experience and money in a predictable environment my last act was to acquire a Shocking Touch spell. Although expensive, the elemental electricity would likely prove useful, for although I prefer to remain at a distance as a rule, this would likely prove infeasible in a closed arena against my opponents.
Arriving at the Arena I was asked whether I was here to fight, or to place a bet. Betting seemed simple enough; you simply placed between twenty five and one hundred gold upon a team, and if they won you got double this back. However I am not one to gamble, at least not in a situation whether the returns do not exceed the risk - and despite my recent escape I did not wish to risk my limited resources on mere luck. It was by now early afternoon, and feeling I had nothing to gain through postponing my plans, I ventured into the Arena Bloodworks in search of the Blademaster.
Having proved myself as a 'Pitdog' (a demeaning title I was determined to swiftly leave behind) I continued fighting opponents, and while none were complete walkovers, only one of the early fights proved particularly memorable; a duel against a pair of elven twins. Drawing from past experiences I strategised immediately - driving the sister armed with the bow into the opposite tunnel, before summoning a skeleton to deal with her as she stood trapped with her back against the locked door. As my minion dealt with her I attempted to keep my distance from the remaining fighter, until finally my magical barrage brought her to her knees; her sister now long dead. Well at least that was one less vengeful relative to worry about...
Having advanced to 'Brawler' my rewards were greater, yet they still scarcely exceeded one hundred gold - significantly less than I had hoped. I finally decided that I would prove my abilities, and perhaps begin to make a name for myself, through claiming the intermediate title of 'Bloodletter'; the earning of which would require the defeat of a heavily armed and armoured Khajit. It was now evening, and too late for the fights to continue, so I rested in the Arena quarters for the night – the first night outside a cell for longer than I would care recall. As the day dawned I arranged the final match with Owyn, before heading up to the Arena proper. As ever I was cautious, but ultimately I prevailed with little difficulty; the main challenge being to keep my distance from the heavy axe. So it was that I stood above the corpse of my fallen foe, and claimed the title of 'Bloodletter' - and a financial reward of one hundred and fifty gold.

I left the Arena some five hundred coin richer and with a renewed confidence in my skills, mentally vowing that I would later return and continue my ascension. I again toured the Market District, this time with my eyes on the more expensive items. A staff shop and fine clothing store in particular caught my attention, however the former was yet well beyond my means - the staffs costing between one and six thousand coin. The clothes shop meanwhile held nothing I could not afford, but ultimately I decided it would be better not to draw attention to myself at this point, choosing to instead continue wearing my unremarkable robes.
I now had in mind the objective of exploring the land surrounding the capital, and so I bought several spells which appeared particularly useful - among them summon Zombie, Eyes of Eventide and Bound Dagger. The former would serve as a replacement to the Skeleton, who had proved a little weak against a determined foe. Eyes of Eventide meanwhile revealed darkness to me, while the summoned dagger was to serve as a replacement for my short sword - which I then sold.
Wandering the streets, I visited the Arcane University; a school and centre of power for skill casters. Speaking to a battle mage outside however it became apparent that only a member of the mages guild with references from the guild heads could enter, and so I added these recommendations to my mental check list. How a man who had attained the rank of battle mage could demean himself through acting as a mere guard was beyond me. Perhaps satisfaction in such banal roles was what had held the empire together? Personally I would not stand for it; glory and power await me, and I shall let nothing and no ones stand in my way.
I felt myself to be gaining in strength, and so my remaining time in the city was spent practising my new summoning spells, until I rested and awoke, feeling stronger. My movements seemed quicker and more agile as I strode forth, the city behind me, and a gathering storm before me...
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