The weather cleared with startling speed, perhaps the climate around the capital was temperamental, although rumour would doubtless blame the recent assassination of the emperor - which many now considered the source of all bad luck. Disdaining the stables upon the outskirts I decided to travel forth on foot, setting my provisional destination as Chorral - where Jauffre dwelt. I had yet to decide whether I would indeed follow that up, for despite claims to the contrary by panic stricken citizens, the empire hardly seemed to be collapsing into 'the jaws of oblivion', to me at least.
Having crossed the bridge, I followed the course of the path at my leisure, pausing at times to gather ingredients, and to learn the lay of the land from the signposts. After a couple of moments of this I espied a wolf some distance away, to the side of the path. It would surely see me if I continued on my course and therefore I felt I must deal with it. This seemed to me a perfect time to test my new bound dagger, and so I approached without stealth - rather than engaging the animal from range, as was my normal tactic. The fight proved little challenge, my dagger biting deep into its flesh repeatedly; until at last it moved no more.
Continuing on, I came across a ruined outpost named 'Fort Empire'. The name struck me as ironic, for it was modest in size, and lay in heavy decay. Ever careful, I tested my new detect life spell, and was rewarded with advance warning of a shape hovering on the far side of the wall. I knew of a number of creatures who could fit such criteria, and thus was on my guard as I passed under the crumbling arch.

It turned out to be an Imp; a small flying creature with some small ability in magic. Far too small as it transpired, as with little effort on my part it plummeted to its resting place upon the floor - I, ever practical, harvested its bile, for it was known to have magical properties. The remainder of the ruins were apparently bereft of life, and with nothing further to prepare I entered the interior of the ruin.
The interior was dank and dimly lit, but beyond that little impeded my exploration. The only foes I encountered were more Imps, which were pitifully easy to defeat - a matter of only a few fireballs or a single touch of elemental electricity proved too much for them. My search was rewarded well however, for in a shaded and undisturbed chest near the base of the complex I discovered a speech gem, which was exceptionally valuable compared to anything I yet owned; worth the better part of one thousand gold. The other noteworthy item I collected was a 'ring of viper', worth perhaps two hundred and fifty coin, although knowing the city merchants I would likely see only a half of either items true value. Nevertheless this was a great return compared to the Arena, particularly when the minimal risk and effort was taken into account. I emerged to see night had once again fallen, the view from aloft the ruins revealing the capital in the distance...

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