Before I visited the Arcane University I entered the Main Ingredient, selling the potions I had recently found or created – which amounted to fourteen potions, or three hundred gold. I then moved on to A Fighting Chance, where I sold any spare armour I had, in addition to the collected pelts. Finally I sold on the enchanted mace I had acquired from the bandit back on the road; it was a mace of dispel – and sold for two hundred gold. I had, of course, charmed the shopkeeper. Perhaps he should hit himself with it so as to be able to charge me more in future?
Returning now to Ogier Georick of the Main Ingredient, I purchased all ingredients he possessed which cost under ten gold, I was interested to see if I could earn a profit despite having purchased the reagents rather than simply acquiring them. Having entered with just over sixteen hundred gold, I spent just under four hundred on these ingredients.
Laying out my alchemy apparatus in the shop, as has become a habit, I considered the potential potion combinations. Although I was in part doing this for the money, it will also further my skills in alchemy - and I expected the large quantity of items to allow for a wide range of concoctions. The work was long and tiring, as I perceived more combinations than I had anticipated, and ultimately I was left with seventy four potions – created both from the items I had bought, and items I had already owned but could not use before. During the process I felt I had made a great deal of progress in understanding, however I didn't make any breakthroughs – I'm still no expert. Once again I charmed Ogier, and ultimately sold my creations for sixteen hundred gold in total; a very pleasing sum. With his stock now depleted it will be some time before I can purchase raw ingredients in such quantity from him, however it is clear that following the advancement of my skills, and the acquisition of higher quality equipment, I should be able to secure a reasonable income from alchemy alone. The work left me tired, and as it was now late in the day I decided to rest in the Arena Blookworks, the clamour of training proving insufficient to prevent me falling into a deep slumber.
Rising with the dawn, I had no intention of undertaking any Arena fights right now, that would wait until I had trained – and created some more effective and powerful spells. The Arcane University prevailed, and I had no intention of waiting any longer. Unfortunately, upon crossing to the building, I discovered the scholars were yet to rise – or at least yet to arrive at their posts, and I therefore walked the gardens for a time, until at last I noted the beginnings of activity. Again entering the main reception area, where I finally found Raminus Polus – who was to provide me entry to the University.
"I have heard a lot about you Associate" he began, clearly having recognised me from report.
Biting back the banal "Only good things I hope", I remained silent, eyeing him coldly. I had not come this far to bandy words with the door man, if he had a point to make he would have to make it himself. He waited for me to speak, but when it was clear I would not do so he spoke again, this time his tone more guarded.
"...Indeed, I have heard a great deal about your...progress, since you recently resurfaced."
Again I remained silent, although I began to suspect I knew the undertones of the conversation – and perhaps the underlying cause for at least one of my past tasks.
"And still you do not speak? Silent...but then that's to be expected for an...assassin" He hissed the last word, his eyes narrowing.
"I did of course hear rumour of your appearance many weeks ago, although I had hoped that they would prove false. Indeed I had hoped your accursed cult had gone the way of your late master!"
He spat the last word, evidently aiming to provoke a reaction – an opportunity I would not provide in the University foyer, being currently of so low a rank as to expect no real assistance.
Never the less, behind my expressionless mask my mind raced. It was clear that he knew some of my past – I suppose it had been to much to hope that no one would remember. Indeed, I suspected that he might have been involved in the operation against us itself...there had, after all, been a distinct magical element to the attack. However, I have no time for such recollections now – and neither did I wish to fight him here and now, so I knew I must speak.
"I really don't know what you're talking about" I replied blandly, affecting a complete lack of concern
"The reason I am here is to claim entry to this University, not to deal with imagined feuds and slander" I kept my tone light, but it was clear that my words hit home, his eyes burning. Yet he to was bound by the location, and could not act overtly against me.
"Very well...Apprentice" he finally said, "for that is indeed your new rank", he gave a mock bow. "I do so hope your tasks will prove to be safe and uneventful, although from what I hear you don't drown easily", his eye twitched. "Well, let's start with a simple task shall we, no danger, surely", he dragged the last word, "Every Apprentice needs a staff, and we use wood from a very special place....guarded of course", he gave a sly smile, tossing over a green enchanted robe and a map, upon which the location I should visit was marked, "We welcome you to the University, good day", with this ironic comment complete, he turned and walked away.
The gates to the University proper would open for me now, and I entered, my mind occupied by the recent conversation. How much of the dangers in the tasks given to me lately had been Polus' work? I suspected that the ring of burden quest might have been, although surely they underestimated me there if they thought that would kill me. Beyond that I can't be certain, and I don't want to end up paranoid, like that creep Glarthir. I pushed these thought to the side for now, taking in the surroundings my work had earned me. Mage scholars conversed, while Apprentices scurried about their activities – all wearing a green robe of the type I had been given (I had chosen to remain in my assassin's robes). Looking to my left as I walked the path, I saw a lecture taking place – with a number of Apprentices sat on benches outside.

I will have to pay attention to one of these lectures at some point, when I have the time, and the inclination. Right now my intent was both to explore the vicinity, and to create some training spells. Fortunately the halls of spellmaking turned out to be the first room I explored, which included a number of golden alters, each ornately decorated with golden leaves. A pair of candles was affixed to either side, and I wondered if they acted as a catalyst for the process, although there was no way no tell here, short of removing one of them. Certainly they helped me, as I allowed my gaze to lose focus, staring into the burning light, almost as in a trance. From here I formed a mental image of what I wished to create, imagining the spell element which I wanted to use, and then coaxing it into form. It was not a difficult task for me, although this may be in part simply due to the simplicity of the cantrips I was creating. I made one for every school magic, designing each of them to be effective for training even when I am alone. For a spell casting to increase the experience of the caster it has to have a target, and an actual effect, and this forced me to create a destruction spell that hurt me – in this case a fire spell. Although my native Breton resistance to magic will in part protect me, the training sessions may initially prove painful – however I will likely pair this with my cantrip of Restoration, restoring my health. Aside from candles (which didn't seem to get used up in any way), the alters of spellmaking consumed gold – indeed I suspect a spell of great magnitude or complexity might consume a larger sum, however in this case the spells were cheap to create.

Besides the hall of spellmaking there was a guard tower, a hall of enchanting (which I had no need for right now), an alchemy lab, and the Mystic Archives – basically a library. Scanning their inventory, one particular entry caught my eye – the Story of the Beggar Prince, which suggests that beggars know a great deal more than they let on. Hardly a feat, when they appear to know nothing more than how to annoy people...
I have also heard others say that the Gray Fox is popular with the poor...and indeed that the Beggars may act as the eyes of the Thieves Guild (those who believe it exists that is) – and therefore befriending a beggar may be the best method to track down the Gray Fox, and gain entry into the guild.
The final room I entered was the training halls, where Apprentices cast spells, most commonly of destruction, upon wooden targets. Perhaps they fail to appreciate that skill development is far slower without a true target, but I had no cause to enlighten them. Let them stay weak, I have no cause for complaint.

Although I had originally intended to create a number of custom high magnitude spells, I now decided to postpone this until I had acquired a residence. With the unfriendly presence of Polus in mind, I was now particularly keen on acquiring a place to call home – where I could also train in peace. However, I had barely over half the five thousand gold required to purchase the cheapest residence I had considered, and knew I must acquire and sell some items. It was unfortunate that I have found no housing truly befitting myself, yet I will keep my eyes open. My path is clear then, I shall build up my finances so I can establish myself in a permanent residence, and from here train – and then finally create my own spells, before establishing a foundation for myself across all the guilds. The coming months are likely to be no less eventful than the proceeding...
I had originally intended to include my dungeon exploration with this entry, but that can wait till tomorrow - I've left this long enough without an update.
Ah! Dispel...
Great chapter, looking foward to next entry.
Huzzah! A new entry! I love the Mages Guild. Now if the chest in my archmage chambers would just stop eating my belongings....
Victoria, really enjoy your writing. Keep up the good work.
Hang on a tick, is that a Daedric Weapon on Raminus Polus' back?
It is indeed, the way I got him to frown like that (because he had a 90 disposition and was smiling all the time) was to punch him up a bit, and then cease the combat. He summed that during the fight...but I decided not to wait for it to vanish as it looks a lot better this way ;-)
Oh... Did it hurt much?
As ever, my updates are late! However I have the paper handed in now (and this weeks volunteering done, mwahaha) so I'll be updating later. Its not like I'm playing oblivion and not writing it up - this is my character.
As for did it hurt - no, I kept ending the fights before anyone got a hit in against me. Then I'd attack again.
Okay... Uh, can you tell me something? How do you make it so the date appears at the bottom of the comment post? Or is that only something you can do? If it is, do you mind putting the date in there?
Any Plans on next update?
Quit your day job and update more often please. Thank you.
Ha Ha!
That was pretty rude anyway. Victoria could just decide to not update at all.
Okay William, but only if you pay me :-p It would be my pleasure in that case...
And I've tracked down the timestamp for comments, so that should be okay now Person.
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